October 24, 2016

Jerusalem Prayer House – India

India has OVER 827 MILLION Hindus! This number is increasing every day. Think about that. As the years pass by, more and more people are condemned to live and die without God. They haven’t considered that they don’t have to be afraid of the thousands of idols and false gods they see every day. They know nothing about grace. Day in and day out, they work to achieve some vague form of good karma whereby they hope to make things better in their next life. 

Far East Ministries is heartbroken over the number of people who have no knowledge of the one true God who loves them. They have no information that this God sent a savior, Jesus Christ, who died for them and can give them eternal life.

We also understand that the time is short and we need to hurry to get the word out to as many people as we can. The question was where do we begin? How do we participate in the Great Commission in India? Thankfully the Lord provided just the opportunity we were looking for by introducing us to Pastor Yesupadam and this lovely fellowship called The Jerusalem Prayer House.

The question is why do we specifically say that we are blessed to work with this pastor and this church? The answer is because we can see that they are interested in building the kingdom of God instead of their own little kingdom. Their goal is planting churches throughout their state as well as the surrounding states and they are hard at work doing so. This is a ministry we can get behind!



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